Thursday 24 November 2011

Blackpool Analysis On Age, Family & Relationships. (G322)

Having watched a clip from 'Blackpool' I have focused on these representations for the film : Age, Family & Relationships

At the beginning of the film you hear conversation between the mother and the father then you hear the door banging and  feet of the daughter and her boyfriend moving towards the room. The clock churning in the background, birds in the background, heavy breathing represents the relationships between the two couples.It stands as a distract ant of the awkwardness that is going on around the room. Ice moving in glass. shouting and sarcastic laughs are also heard .
Father- He has a very firm and loud voice. He is honest but blunt & this comes across as rude towards the other characters and he also seems very controlling and authoritative as he takes charge of the conversation. This represents how their family is regulated, the father quite loud and controlling with the mother quite laid back but still some how manage to have that authority also.
Mum - calm laid back (showed in her tone of voice) represents the relationship between the husband and wife. Although the wife has more of a suttle voice, she has some sort of authority over her husband.
Daughter - Defensive, shows she loves her man as she jumps to answer the questions her father may be asking him & also making his good features be recognised. This represents the relationship between the father and child, she knows that he has a lot of expectations and so she jumps straight to what she believes her father wants to know, knowing her parents' reaction to people they do not like.
Boyfriend: Very informative 'hi' short answers/ sarcastic. He has a calm voice but still authoritative in his own way. Knows when and when not to speak to avoid anything negative being said & still has the courtesy to nod his head when he does not want to say anything negative. this represents the relationship between him and the father. He knows that he is near the father's age however still knowing that the father is older than him and so he keeps the respect for the father by knowing when to speak.

mise - ense 
Both the parents wearing pink - 1990's style not modern, his hair is slicked back also the fact they are both matching shows that they are a couple who have tried to be modern/youthful. This represents age. Although the parents are quite old, they still dress to be younger than their age to keep up with the world becoming more modern so they don't seem too old. The house is not modern However, everything is quite symmetry and rich looking with colours like white & gold. The fact that the couple are conflicting with the theme of their house ( old fashion v.s modern world) also represents age as the house could symbolise their age when the clothes that they wear could represent their daughter's age. The daughter is dressed older to match her boyfriends age so they both equal out. This could be because she does not want to seem to young for her boyfriend and he does not want to seem too old for her, so somewhere in the middle they both meet up. Both girlfriend & boyfriend are dressed in quite dull colours, this symbolises them not both not acting their age.

Wife & husband use medium wide shot which shows they are a couple representing their relationship. it shows that they are both equal and they share together as a couple which gives us more of an insight of what their relationship  may be like. However during the film they use different clips to show their different personalities and this showed their different statuses and how each individual was different.
A Long shot of the four characters was used to represent the relationship between the four, the awkwardness showed the hostility that was present.

Overall this film showed great representations of mostly age & relationships between the two couples. Although Family was briefly used, it did make sense how it was used; through the other representatives. This representations were used effectively because instantly we understood what action or word represented what. For example; the clock churning in the middle of the awkwardness was used to represent the relationships between the two couples as it filled in the missing gaps, hostility was shown clearly to the audience.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Punch Drunk Love Opening Scene

Here the room is clearly isolated, away from everyone else, almost secret this then shows that the character is very mysterious. it has an office table situated right at the end of the room giving him a good view of all the walls in this isolated place. He has a load of papers on his table to show that he's a hard worker and is on the phone. its almost like he is an office worker but in a very deserted place. the room is plain with no colour creating a very moody atmosphere as it has no life and the actor himself is wearing dark blue to blend in the room. this could mean that the room and the man  are of one co-ordinance. its almost like the room was made for him and this could say many things about his character.

The scene starts as the character starts talking on the phone to a magazine advertising company. it seems that he is trying to correct the company's mistake by stating that they said ' in addition to ' but nothing then followed. normal people don't phone up the company to correct their mistakes this then shows us that the character must be somewhat of a perfectionist and this gives off the idea that the man may have compulsive disorder.

Here the man hears noises which the makes him stop his sentence on the  phone & take a break trying to be awfully quiet. This shows that he is not trying to be found out. its almost as if his place is suppose to be secret and he wants no trespassers and only him should be in their. he comes across a very mysterious because of this.

Here, the character walks from his table that is full of light to a dark place then finally revealing where his 'office' may be situated. by the looks of this place, his 'office' may be situated in the garage or even a warehouse. Having a 'office' in one of these places is peculiar to society as it is locked up yet he is smartly dressed etc. this makes the audience think that the character is weird as he comes across as mysterious now.

Here shows that the character is not hidden away from everyone because the place that he may be shows that there are many people that are familiar with that place. this is because we see cars parked outside his garage/warehouse. he may have his own individual unit where no one can trespass, however  the area is not a private as the beginning of the film.

its sunrise which shows that the character is awake at early times in the morning whiles most people are sleeping. & its the office that keeps him awake.
You can here the whistling of the wind and also the objects around making soo much noise in the midst

Here as the camera turns to look at the main road, we see normal cars passing by, however as the car gets closer to the character, it blows up, tumbling down the road in flames. It is almost like the character sensed something would happen and it did. or maybe the car was determined to crash like that.