Tuesday 24 April 2012

How did you attract /address your audience ?

We thought about the genre of our film ( psychological Thriller ) and we thought that allowing children under the age of 15 to watch such films, this may psychologically harm them so we thought it woulkd be a bad idea as we may be exposing them to things their parents do not feel comfortable exploiting to them. So to avoid this stigma, We targeted it for children who would have been more able to understand the situation.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product. ?

we have learnt how to use the camera & how to use it in the lighting.
we've learnt how to focus the camera
we've learnt how to edit the scenes
we;ve learnt how to make title pages and credits using i movie
we've learnt how to use a tripod properly
we've lerant how to film in different day times
we've learnt how to use iphoto
we've learnt how to use the blogs
& youtube
We learnt how to research properly using sites like google, IMDB && Wikipedia
we learnt how to use our phones to import informaation

how does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Age  - All teenagers in a room depressed shows how they are all going through something and we tried to show how they could handle this so we could make the film relative
Ethnicity - characters are black, so peeople may believe that most black adolensences go throuh this
Gender - female & males both go through this - we tried to represent the feeling of equality and togetherness. we tried to represent the fact that everypone goes though this
Environment - filmed in houses to represent the commoness within the film. to show that these are ordinary people just like u & i

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